Kära Julia (del 2)
Efter mitt
förra inlägg på bloggen om brevet till Julia har en handfull läsare hört av sig
och sagt att de är nyfikna på själva brevet. Det vill säga det som handlade om
hur Paul och jag träffades och så vidare.
Jag har letat
och letat, men jag hittar ingen kopia av brevet. Det är oerhört retsamt med
tanke på att jag nästan aldrig slänger papper. Det enda jag har är ett dokument
med "mer information" som Julias sekreterare fick efter det att mitt
brev valts ut.
Det känns som
ett slags trailer till berättelsen om mitt liv. A sneak preview innan
filmen släpps. Fast i mitt fall alltså tills jag får en kopia av orignalbrevet
från kontoret i Verona.
Det börjar så här:
I met my husband Paul in
Johannesburg on the 13th of February 1992, on the eve of Valentine´s
day. It was not love at first sight, but I was drawn to his kindness, sense of
justice and strong arms.
In January 1994, I moved in with Paul in a small flat in Johannesburg.
We had little money and the country was in turmoil. Paul was still politically
active and we were shot at twice in our bedroom (by those who wanted to stop
change). Once by a single bullet, once by a machine
gun that shattered the ceiling, our wardrobe and a pot plant. I was working as
a freelance journalist.
after the first democratic election, we fell pregnant. It was not a planned
pregnancy but we were very happy – and surprised. Paul had been badly tortured
with electric shocks and had been told that he would never father a child. Our
son Nils was born in March 1995.
Till slut:
I wrote a letter to Juliette with the hope that my story might help or
inspire other people in a similar situation. Few believed that Paul and I would
make it. The differences appeared to be too many: He quit school to join the
armed struggle, I had been to university. He was in his 40´s, I was in my 20´s.
He was black, I was white. Never the less, I have never loved anybody as much
as I love Paul.
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