Kondoleanser från Soweto till Dorotea

Jag fick ett brev från våra släktingar i Soweto och Msinga (i Zululand). De beklagar sorgen över "den stora björnen i norr", min morfar, hemmansägaren Folke Tander som begravs i Dorotea idag, långt från Soweto och Msinga. Men som familj är vi en, oavsett hudfärg, geografiska avstånd och annat.
Jag tycker att det är så fint att jag lägger upp det här på bloggen.

To the Tander Family and Relatives
Having learnt of the untimely passing of your beloved Mr Folke Tander, kindly accept from the depth of our hearts as we reach deep within our souls to find the most comforting words to console you in this solemn time of sadness and bereavement as you mourn the loss of your dearly beloved.    
Though we commiserate with you, we also send you the warmest care to carry you through this cumbersome period and hoping that you can lean on it in the days ahead.
We know that in your silent reflections, perhaps even least expected, you were never ready to say good bye yet. You were longing for one more day, one more touch, one more word and one more smile with dearest Grandpa.
But also remember that he never just died but that he lived, too. And that you will have the strength to recollect memories that are very beautiful to forget.

And so the Great Bear of the North retires after a complete life.  His demise is felt right through the known hemispheres, the North and the South, to enlist himself on the solid walls of time. His roar has faded into the forests but his treads will live forever!

Akwehlanga Elingehlanga!What has happened was meant to be!

From Msinga and Soweto.


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